Celebrating Wednesday's

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Not The End!

Finally, the long summer holidays have arrived. Sadly, no one told the sun and it appears to have packed up its belongings and gone on a holiday of it's own leaving us with some rather lovely grey clouds that look (in the words of Miss. D) grumpy and which seek only to share their misery by weeping upon us at every available opportunity. I cannot tell a lie though, I was somewhat grateful to the grumpy clouds for getting sports day cancelled last Thursday; there's nothing quite so bad as having to endure an afternoon of non competitive sports. Well there is something worse and that is enduring your child's final day of primary school on just two hours sleep.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

No More Walks

I a bit worried. Mummy keeps taking me out for walks. Me know that sound a bit crazy for a little orange doggy to say, but I really not sure what is wrong with her! Me keep lying on the sofa and hoping that it will be a really hot day. Her not take me out when it too hot. Her says that my little paws will get burnt and sore and I will get too hot and be a poorly doggy, so me know her still love me lots. That not explain why her keep making me go out though.

Monday 17 July 2017

Don't Panic - OK Panic

Hopefully, you can see the 'don't panic' written on that mug. That is how my morning was supposed to be. I was supposed to get up, do the housework, get Miss. L to school then come home, walk the dog and relax a bit before hitting the supermarket (apparently you have to have food in the house in order to cook). So that was the plan, unfortunately, I had omitted to send the memo to Monday and this is how it actually went.

The Final Countdown

Don't panic! I am not writing a post about that classic rock anthem by 80's rock band Europe, but hands up if you're old enough to remember them. No, you're safe, this is a post about the final countdown to the end of term. Yes folks, the long summer holidays are almost upon us and being a good and organised parent, I have every single minute of those holiday weeks, planned and organised to within an inch of their life... have I heck? I'm too busy concentrating on getting through this final week.

Thursday 13 July 2017

Transition Week

Yes, it is indeed time for change. Not only are we counting down to the end of the school year, but we are closing one door and opening another. The end of an era is upon us, as Miss. L joins her big sister at secondary school. No more school runs for me, as of September Miss. L will be walking with Miss. D; it's going to save me an absolute fortune in petrol and it needs to, given the cost of secondary school uniform, but we'll come back to that later on.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Why He's Not My Best Friend

I am a huge lover of trashy TV. Programmes that don't really require me to concentrate on them. For the most part I am blogging whilst watching TV, so as a general rule, I have no idea what is going on. One of my favourite shows to 'not watch' whilst blogging is 'Say Yes to the Dress'. What I wouldn't give to work in a wedding dress shop, surrounded by tulle, lace and silk which has been lovingly crafted into ballgowns, mermaids and fit and flares. Yes, minus the bridezillas, that would be my ideal job. Anyway, back to the point. It was whilst 'not watching' that my ears pricked up on hearing a bride use that age old phrase when talking about her hubby to be, 'he's my best friend,' sigh. Well ladies, let me tell you now, D is not and will never be my best friend.

Saturday 8 July 2017

Catch Up Time!

Sorry, sorry, sorry. I have been so rubbish with the blog this week, but honestly, I have the best excuse (or excuses) ever. Well actually that is debatable, because one could argue that each excuse could itself have been a stand alone blog post, but clearly none of them were and hence I am forced to apologise profusely to you, dear readers.

'So what, pray, are you fabulous excuses?' Well, you are more that entitled to ask and even more entitled to an adequate answer so here goes.