Celebrating Wednesday's

Saturday 20 January 2018

This is Me!

Well I am going to own up now and say that this post is a wee bit of a cheat. You see, so much has happened and if I start typing it all out, well will likely still be here a month from now. Instead what I've done is a wee short video for you and I have no flipping idea if it's going to work or not, but hey let's just go for it anyway. What's the worst that can happen?

So there you go. Me being just a little bit lazy. If you do have any fab fundraising ideas, please do contact me. If you happen to be 'that' person, please do get in touch, I could really use your help with this project.


  1. Well done. It's a great step in the right direction and something I'm proud of you for it. I'm so pleased that you're realising how much stronger you are than being weak. I know where you've been, where you are and where you're going and that strength will continue to shine through. As both your real life friend and Twitter friend I will always happily help and support you from the smallest to the biggest thing. I already love your project idea and know it'll be great

    1. Ah, you say that now, but you are one of the people being drafted in to help with it. Thank you for all your support x

  2. Oh yes, you are strong, look what a mountain you have climbed. I'm so glad you have such good support. And fundraising for Maytree sounds like an excellent idea xx

    1. Many thanks Anne. I actually had a wee wobble yesterday, but thanks to Maytree it didn't last for long x

  3. I am so glad that things are going well for you! Take those little steps and take one day at a time!
    Good luck with the charity and raising money. xx

    1. Hi Kim! Yes little steps, though I'll be honest, I'm not good at holding back, but I'm trying. Already pulling ideas together for both projects...and I'm supposed to be looking after me...Oops! x

  4. Hi Lisa, your video sent me me on a roller coaster of emotions. You are such a brave lady for baring your soul to the world and sharing what you have been coping with in recent months. The bit that really got me was when you went from describing yourself as being small and quietly spoken to saying that you are strong. Just saying those words changed you. You have proved that you are strong and like with any illness, it takes time to get better, but you will. And I hope you get out walking Max on your own very soon.. As for fund raising suggestions? I'm not so good at things like that...

    Thank you fir linking up with the #MMBC and for sharing your story.


    1. Thank you Debbie. It's been a journey and a half, but it's getting easier and the road is less bumpy. Will keep you all updated. Thanks so much for your encouraging words xxx

  5. You are doing so amazingly well Lisa! I know what a hard journey it is and you will come out the other side stronger than ever.

    Good luck with the charity work lovely x #MMBC

    1. Thanks Jayne. You're absolutely right, I am stronger already and still have a way to go. At this rate I'll have to wear my pants on the outside like a superhero ;-) x
