Monday 30 October 2017

What Next?

It's fair to say, my life at the moment, is not going at all to plan. Quite frankly, it is pretty darned crappy and that's putting it politely. If I were speaking with you one to one, I can assure you 'crappy' is not the word I would use, it would likely involve a fair few expletives and a lot of hurt angry tears, of which there have been many. However, it is getting a little easier and yesterday, I was far more up than down.

With this in mind and with the new term looming, I decided to take the girls out to dinner. I can do this, I thought. It will be good for me. No having to cook, and perhaps if someone else has cooked it, I may feel more inclined to appetite is still somewhat suppressed.

The girls decided they would like to go to Frankie and Benny's, which was a good choice, nice and relaxed, friendly, bubbly staff, and for those of us with the appetite of a sparrow, some nice light choices that don't look terrifyingly huge on the plate, oh and cheesecake to die for. See I told you I was having more ups than downs; the very fact that I was able to even entertain the idea of cheesecake or anything sweet is testimony to it!

Anyway, moving on from cheesecake (which this morning, I must confess, is not looking nearly as appealing as it did yesterday), we arrived and had a short wait before we could be seated. This gave Miss. D an opportunity to connect to the free Wifi because you know, teenager, can't live without Wifi. Much to her pleasure and amusement, she managed not to connect to Frankie and Benny's Wifi, but Costa next door. Small things, I know, but she was happy, but not so happy as she was to get to our table and get her menu.

The girls are pretty good at choosing their meals quickly, so it wasn't long before we were ready to place our order. Miss. L went first with the kids menu (which she is now too old for, but she's only a little eater) then Miss. D, whom ordered the meatballs and then me. As soon as I saw it on the menu, I knew I had to have the goats cheese and avocado wrap; I love avocado! Oh the disappointment, no goats cheese, so no wrap. You'll be pleased to hear, I kept it together, I didn't burst into tears (unlike another customer whom, I was informed, had done), I ordered the Cajun chicken wrap instead (it was nice, but not as nice as the goats cheese and avocado would have been). And for those of you telling me to eat, I ate 3/4 of the wrap and 1/4 of the fries, Miss. D helped herself to a few too because the giant dish of meatballs just wasn't enough for her.

Now, we don't normally do dessert because we're all usually too full, but Miss. L was up for it so I decided to take the plunge and order the peanut butter and chocolate cheesecake. Miss. D passed as she was full, as she should have been!

Well we waited and we waited and then we waited some more. We got a little bit excited when we saw our waiter with two desserts, then felt sad when they weren't ours, so we waited a bit longer. Eventually, a manager came over and confessed one of our desserts was no longer available. Go on have a guess...yes it was mine! Really! My main wasn't available and now my dessert was gone too. Do you not realise what a crappy time I am having? I need this bloody cheesecake! Anyway,  I chose the salted caramel cheesecake instead and hoped to goodness it wasn't going to disappear before the order went in (I probably would have cried if that happened).

All of this was highly amusing to the girls, who laughed just a little bit too long and just a lot too hard. Oh and to add insult to injury, Miss. D ate most of my cheesecake, I could really only manage a couple of spoons, and Miss. L finished it off.

So all in all, a little bit of a disappointing trip out, but at least I didn't have to wash up after.

Pink Pear Bear

Bridie By The Sea


Run Jump Scrap


  1. I'd have been gutted about the lack of goats cheese too. Proper gutted. I hope you're OK, you mentioned you're having a crap time of it at the moment on my blog post. I'm sorry to hear this. Here if you need a chat x #bigpinklink

    1. I was gutted, I really wanted that wrap and the bloody cheesecake. Will DM you and we can have a crap time together. Sending you hugs x

  2. I think bursting into tears is a reasonable response to being told goat cheese and avocado are off the menu. At least welling up a bit. Best thing on the menu. Sorry it's rubbish at the moment. Hope it picks up soon. #MMBC

    1. It was a very distressing thing to happen, I'm just about over the cheesecake now, but the goats cheese ad avocado wrap is another matter!

  3. Sometimes life is crap - no getting around it. Hang in dear. #MMBC

    1. You are absolutely right Carol. Who'd have thought a trip to a restaurant could be so upsetting ;-)

  4. Oh no! What a disappointing meal out for you! I would have been gutted too if what I wanted on the menu wasn't available. Ugh! I hope things are better for you soon! Sending hugs. #MMBC

    1. I shouldn't complain the alternatives were nice, but sometimes you just want what you want and nothing else quite works x

  5. A trip out is good for you every now and then even if you do have a wobble in the middle over things. I am always disappointed if I fix my mind on something that then isn't available. #DreamTeam

  6. How disappointing! I think I would have definitely had a strop!

    I am sorry you are having a tough time at the moment. Keep your chin up Lisa!

    Sending big hugs xx #MMBC

    1. Well I'll be honest Jayne, the salted caramel cheesecake went a little way towards helping keep my chin up ;-) x

  7. Noooo! I hate it when they don't have my choice on the menu, it always feels like it happens to me. I hope the crappy times give way to the good soon xx

    1. No you are not alone, it often happens to me in restaurants. We obviously need to look at the menu online then call ahead to reserve our choices x

  8. Sorry to hear it has been a bit rubbish of late, hugs X #twinklyTuesday

    1. It has been, but I guess life isn't supposed to be easy...if only they'd had the peanut butter and chocolate cheeseake, everything would have been fixed ;-) x

  9. Sorry to hear you're having a crappy time and sometimes it only takes that one little thing to tip us over the edge. Hope things get better soon #bloggersbest

  10. Thank you Fran. It will get better I know, but I'm sure the goats cheese wrap and cheesecake would have fixed it all much more quickly x

  11. Sorry to hear you've been down, its always the little things which push us over the edge. Hope you geel better soon #dreamteam xx

    1. I'm just pleased it wasn't me who cried over the lack of goats cheese! The other customer must have been having an even crappier time than me, poor woman ;-) x

  12. I'm glad you managed to get out with the girls, that's big when you are feeling low. But how sad they didn't have what you ordered from the menu. You should have been compensated at least x

    1. They enjoyed themselves. I must admit, I felt a wee bit overwhelmed by the time I got back x

  13. I hope things get better soon my mum always says remember its just a bad day not a bad life #bloggerbest

  14. Oh no sorry to read you are not having a good time, hope all ok. I'm pleased you were happy with the no washing up! Thanks for linking up #BloggersBests

    1. It's always lovely to not have to clean up afterwards isn't it?

  15. There is nothing more annoying than when you choose an option from the menu and it not being available. When you can already taste it and then can't have it! SOrry you are having a rough time but well done for getting out there. Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

    1. You're so right. Must call ahead and reserve the my choices next time x

  16. Food disappointment is the worst! Once I have something in my head, it is difficult to cope with change to the plan! #bloggersbest
