Wednesday 29 March 2017

Celebrating Wednesday's #20

I took the week off last week, I do hope the lack of Wednesday Celebrations didn't ruin your week too much; you're a bright bunch so I'm fairly sure you managed to find something to celebrate anyway. However, here we are back again and ready to celebrate something really special to me, something almost as special as sloths, but not quite.

So without further ado, please get ready to celebrate this weeks very special day...

Monday 27 March 2017

My New Best Friend

Hello lovely peoples. I not been doing much writing because Mummy's laptop thing not working like it should. Every time little orange me go to write, it goes black and me can't do a thing. It okay though, Mummy got a new one and that one works just like it should. I am such a happy boy because now I can tell you all about my new friend.

Actually, him not just my friend, him is my best friend and me love him lots, but not as much as me loves my peoples. My peoples are the bestest peoples in the whole widest world. Me love them and them love little orange me.

Sunday 26 March 2017

Remembering Dad's on Mother's Day

It's Mothering Sunday, the day where we say a big thank you to our mum's and hopefully get spoilt rotten, if we happen to be a mum. Up and down the country there will be mum's who have received flowers, chocolates, breakfast in bed and numerous other gifts and kind gestures and rightly so. Mum's are important people, we cook, we clean, we clothe; we take the role of nurse, teacher, taxi driver and counsellor. Let's face it, being a mum is a job with many roles and huge list of required skills, so getting a little bit of recognition once a year is lovely.

Saturday 18 March 2017

National CSE Awareness Day 2017

Today is National CSE Awareness Day. For those of you not aware, CSE stands for Child Sexual Exploitation. Written down in its full form it's a terrifying combination of words which should never need to be put together, but sadly it is a very real danger and one which can, and does affect many young people and their families.

Young people from all walks of life can become victims of CSE, boys and girls, and yes, even children from nice, well adjusted families. The most frightening part is the control that their abuser has over them, so as parents it is vital that we know what to look out for, so that if we are unfortunate enough to come across it, we are able to tackle it in it's early stages.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Pushing Me Away (or Dear Curry's PC World)

Before you get too excited, this is not a post about relationships of any kind. No it's far less interesting than that. However, it has left me fuming, or it would do were I not so laid back, I'm just a little bit frustrated.

So my laptop is working, but it's not quite what it was and it really will need to be replaced soon. With this in mind, off I pop to Curry's PC World. Well I say that, I did a fair bit of online research too, but wanted to actually see the laptops, before making a decision and hence, I find myself writing this post, which shall take the form of an open letter...

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Celebrating Wednesday's #19

Here we are again, another Wednesday, another excuse to celebrate something. What will it be today, well let me tell you, today is going to be just a little bit different. Today we are not celebrating just one carefully chosen theme, but four.

Each week there are several themes I can choose from, and out of those, there is always one that really shouts at me, but not so this week. This week, none of them is really saying, write about me, I'm fun, different, quirky and so, I present to you this week's celebrations...

Sunday 12 March 2017

The End of a Chapter

I'm not sure if I should be writing this post or not. If I'm completely honest, I don't actually know how this post is going to turn out. I've no idea what I want to say, or how I want to say it, but my head needs clearing out and the way I do that is to write. Writing is, for me, a creative outlet, but also a therapeutic tool; so I suppose it stands to reason that I would feel the need to write at this time.

As a general rule, my posts are always very clear in my head. I know what it is I want to say and I have a very good idea of the shape it will take. So right now, I feel like a fish out of water and I'm just trusting my fingers to hit the right keys and produce something that is vaguely readable and well, hopefully won't be a load of mumbo jumbo.

Friday 10 March 2017

School Run Fun (or not)

I don't know about you, but I'm generally pretty organised and laid back. I have a set morning routine that has served me very well over the years. And, over those years, I have developed it to incorporate time for 'emergencies' so that we never actually leave the house late for school (even though, I tell the girls we are on occasion, running late). However, hard as it is to believe, other people do run late, I know, shocking isn't it?

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Tea,Teens and Consent

Tea! I love it. I drink rather a lot of it. If you are a regular reader, you'll know how important tea is to me. If it snows, I'll panic buy tea bags. If I've run out of milk, I'll drink it black. If I'm bored, I'll put the kettle on. I really am a complete and utter tea addict.

I also love having visitors and, being the good English Rose I am, I always offer tea to my guests, or the other stuff, you know, from the dark (which in my opinion should never be drunk, but instead used to make cake). However, offering tea has become a tad awkward of late.

Celebrating Wednesday's #18

Welcome to Wednesday! Congratulations, you have made it to the half way point in the week, so pop the kettle on and take a short break to reward yourself. Whilst you're sitting there with tea (or coffee) in hand why not hang around for a bit and find out what is special about this Wednesday.

There was an awful lot to choose from today, most notably, International Women's Day, but I have chosen not to write about that, although please do check out the website here to learn more about this very important day. Given that so many of us are bloggers, there really was only one day I could write about...

Monday 6 March 2017

My Accidental Purchase

Have you ever been on a shopping trip and ended up buying something you really hadn't intended to buy? Come along now ladies and gents, be honest, I'm sure you have. Perhaps it was a new bag, or yet another pair of shoes that you really didn't need, but they were just so pretty, you had to give them a new home. Maybe you wandered into the Apple Store and came out with the latest iPhone. However, I'm going to hazard a guess that you haven't done as I did, because I made quite a spectacular accidental purchase.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Celebrating Wednesday's #17

Happy Wednesday lovelies! I cannot believe that not only is it Wednesday, but it is also March, so not only do we have a Wednesday to celebrate, but we have a month too! Yay! However, let us first find out what we will be celebrating today, 1st March...