Wednesday 8 March 2017

Celebrating Wednesday's #18

Welcome to Wednesday! Congratulations, you have made it to the half way point in the week, so pop the kettle on and take a short break to reward yourself. Whilst you're sitting there with tea (or coffee) in hand why not hang around for a bit and find out what is special about this Wednesday.

There was an awful lot to choose from today, most notably, International Women's Day, but I have chosen not to write about that, although please do check out the website here to learn more about this very important day. Given that so many of us are bloggers, there really was only one day I could write about...

So today we are celebrating Proofreading Day!

There's no getting around it, we all need to proofread our blogs, homework, letters to clients etc. and if we're honest, we're not always very good at it and do, on occasion, miss things. How many times have you picked up a book and found a blatant error? Even the professionals miss things.

As for all that punctuation! Well, let's just do our best with that. I don't know about you, but it has been a few decades since I left school and I am just a little rusty.

Joking aside, I do make an effort to proofread my posts before I hit publish, but there is always the odd error that slips through the net. So, may I take this opportunity to wholeheartedly apologise for all those missing punctuation marks and misspelt words. I promise to try harder in future.


  1. I had no idea that Proofreading Day was a thing! Proofreading is so important for bloggers and writers. #weekendblogshare

    1. Hi Brittany. I had no idea either, but that's why I love my little Wednesday slot; I've discovered so much since doing it x
