So here I am, using the blog for it's therapeutic qualities. It's one of, but not solely, the reason I started blogging in the first place. You see, I have a terrible habit of over thinking situations and if I don't verbalise them, or write them down, they go round and round my head and, in short, send me absolutely crazy; not good for anyone, least of all me.
It's been a tough few weeks, which have seen my stress levels hit a high they've not done for some time. I've lost 12 pounds in weight and my poor heart rate went through the roof at one point, ending up with me being prescribed beta blockers; I will not be on them for long, they are horrible and making me feel worse than ever, but I could probably write a whole post on that alone.
So what's got me feeling so stressed and upset? Well D, or rather D ending our relationship, with absobloodylutely no indication whatsoever. No warning, no discussion, just it's over. Now I realise it was only six months, but I still feel a mutual chat would have been fair, we might even have had a bloody good argument! Drop me after a couple of months with no notice, but six months in, at the very least an indication of a problem or two would have been appreciated. The problem lies not with me, but with the thought process of someone who only sees life as black or white. Whilst I understand it to a certain extent, it does cause problems for other people, especially those you are close to.
Don't get me wrong, I like things to be black or white, but I acknowledge that grey areas exist and in order for something to truly be black or white, you have to deal with that grey area, you have to solve it; once you've done that it can be transferred to black or white. By ignoring the grey area completely, you never truly deal with the issue. Effectively, you are stuck in a fight or flight mode, because dealing with the key issue is too much.
In a relationship, the black and white mindset can be destructive because you never take into account the other person's thoughts and feelings. Effectively leaving them in the biggest and most confusing grey area possible. It's unhealthy and it's unfair. It makes everything about you and not us. It makes my thoughts and feelings irrelevant. It makes me feel used and lost and hurt and bloody angry. Yes you read that right, angry and if you took the time to get to know me properly, you'd understand why I don't lose my temper often because it's not pretty, ask Martyn. If I agree with you, it's because you presented a good and valid argument that made me change my mind. I'm not afraid to admit I'm wrong.
I'm not looking for someone to be around me 24 hours a day 7 days a week, I love that you go off and do your own thing, it gives us stuff to talk about. I'm not wanting to move in together and live happily ever after for sometime yet. All I want, is to be loved, hugged, kissed, tolerated when I get over excited and start jumping and clapping my hands, and making fun memories. All of which we had.
Instead something that was good has been thrown away because you couldn't be bothered to talk about it. You didn't have the courtesy to try and fix it. Perhaps it wasn't fixable, but we'll never know because you ran from the issue and from me.
Right now, I'm lost, empty, confused and very, very hurt because you can't or won't give me any definitive answers, just excuses. Excuses that sound lame and which in hindsight, can be debunked. We have disagreed on stuff, I just didn't shout and scream. We did discuss the half marathon and the other events. I have a good memory, I remember these things. You've dumped me in a huge grey area, that I can't make sense of and I never will.

Blooming heck, I wanted to use stronger words there but it's in public so I'll be polite. I'm so worried about you lovely lady, you're only a wee slip of a thing, 12lb is a lot of weight to lose (and jeez, I'm an emotional eater, I go the opposite way, would you like my fat deposits?) . You're wonderful and amazing but you will make yourself poorly if you keep trying to overanalyse and understand the man brain. You need to look after you and realise you are amazing and sometimes things don't work, you will find your happy, I'm sure of it, you are too adorable not to, i just wish I lived nearer xxx
ReplyDeleteAnd that is precisely why I have the blog, so I can get it all out of my head. I'd go nuts if I didn't have this outlet. weight has been stable now for four days at 110lbs, so I'm happy with that. Eating again, but only savoury foods, so please don't worry lovely lady. I have some awesome friends looking out for me. Oh and you're absolutely right, I am amazing, adorable and everso slightly awesome...he's a word I can't type here :-) Love you lots and wish you lived nearer xxx
DeleteOh I am so sorry to hear this. This must be so sad and bloody frustrating. He doesn't sound worthy of you at all if he hasn't got the decency to give you a good explanation. Try and eat something as you are too important. Hope you start to feel better. Thanks for sharing with #bloggersbest x
ReplyDeleteI am eating. His loss, he doesn't get the benefit of the lovelier trimmer me ;-) although I was pretty small before.
DeleteWhat a shitty thing to do, you definitely deserve an explosion. I defiantly relate, I hate grey! X #ablogginggoodtime
ReplyDeleteThe irony is, he was trying not to be shitty, believe it or not, but then that's the problem with the whole black and white thing.
DeleteHow awful for you. Yes the least he coud do was give you a reason for things.
I'm so angry right now. The least he could have done was talk about it. Pretty sure it would have been the same ending, but courtesy goes a long way.
DeleteSorry to hear this. I hope you're feeling brighter soon. Thanks for linking up to #ThatFridayLinky
ReplyDeleteThanks Emily x
DeleteI'm so sorry to hear this. It must be so frustrating for you. I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for linking this to #DreamTeam.
ReplyDeleteThanks Nicola. It's been a really bad week, but I actually feel like I've turned a corner today :-)
DeleteI'm so sorry to hear this, I hope you feel better soon. It must so hard to deal with when there's no notice. Thanks for joining us at #TriumphantTales this week.
ReplyDeleteI've really started to feel better the past couple of days. Normal service should resume shortly x
DeleteI'm sorry you've had this happen, without notice. Tough times, tricky business this love thing. Probably why little orange dogs are so much more endearing than people! <3 Hang tough, he's not worth you losing you over! Hugs! #triumphanttales xoxo
ReplyDeleteThank you Lisa. It's been really awful, I don't cope with surprises like that well, but gradually getting there x
Delete2 months or 6 months, or 12 years - everyone deserves an explanation. So sorry you are going through this :( Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
ReplyDeleteHaving more ups than downs now, but the lack of explanation is making it very difficult.
DeleteSo sorry to hear this Lisa. Not a nice position to be in at all!
ReplyDeleteSending love and hugs your way xx
Thank you Jayne xx
ReplyDeleteI agree I hate when people can not explain their reasons, or don't let you know that anything was wrong so you can attempt to discuss it and maybe prevent a breakup. Make sure you eat and look after your health lovely! thank you for linking up #ablogginggoodtime
ReplyDeleteThanks Mackenzie. Weight has now stabilised at 110lb and I'm eating :-) x