Monday 1 August 2016

School Holidays Have Arrived

So the school holidays have arrived and so far so good. The girls haven't argued too much, we've managed to keep pretty busy and I've enjoyed a bit of me time whilst they spend a long weekend with their dad.

I was a little concerned over the first few days as it looked as though we may be heading to A&E as Miss L seemed intent on having a series of small accidents and I feared a larger one was just around the corner; big sigh of relief no further injuries to report, but for those interested, this is how it went:

Day One - Rochester Castle Gardens (Medway Mile)

It was a lovely warm evening with lots of fab activities for all ages to take part in. We weren't running (I tend to do more falling than running), but my friend and her son were, so we made sure to cheer them on as they sprinted past us. Anyway, the girls and their friends had a lovely time exploring and trying lots of the activities out and later in the evening, after watching some rather scantily clad ladies doing a spot of Brazilian dancing (lot of very happy men in the crowd) we went to find the girls for the firework display. Enter the first aider kneeling on the ground in front of Miss L who has somehow tripped over and fallen on the cobbled curb making a mess of her knee. Lots of blood, grit, water and a plaster later and she was able to hobble back to the car before coming home and having a nice warm bath to encourage the rest of the grit to come out of the cuts.

Day Three - Seasalter

Yet another gorgeous day, we really have been blessed with good weather. So off we pootled to Seasalter for the afternoon to meet friends at their seaside home . After having a nice lunch at the local Beefeater; including free desserts due to a couple of mess ups by staff we headed to the beach. Miss L had already decided she was not going in the water because her knee was still sore and she didn't want to get it dirty so she had a little paddle and threw pebbles in the water whilst her sister and her friend were in the sea; all quite safe you would think? Wrong, next thing Miss L has managed to cut her little toe on something and its bleeding everywhere. Not a major problem. We clean it up back at the house and stick a plaster on it. Job done.

Beach done, we head into the garden. Shortly after this photo was taken the girls headed on to the lawn to do handstands and cartwheels; no injuries sustained. However, please note in the background a slope from the garage door. This leads down to the lawn. Miss L decided after she'd done enough gymnastics for one day and wanted to go back indoors. Did she utilise the slope to come back up to the garden? Nope of course not, what self respecting ten year old would go the long way round when you can short cut by taking a very large step on to the patio from the lawn? Unfortunately, she has in inherent clumsy gene and, therefore, whilst stepping up fell forward grazing her thigh. Once again, back into the house, cleaned her up and decided to make a swift exit home before she was able to do any more damage to herself.

Since day three I am pleased to report no further accidents and she even managed to stay safe whilst gardening. So here are just a couple more photos from our lunch time picnic at Seasalter on Tuesday and Miss L's efforts in the garden on Wednesday.

And finally my little gardener:

She worked so hard!

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