Monday 14 November 2016

Hello Monday

Well what a week it's been! I'm actually quite pleased to see Monday come around again, not because I love Monday's, I'm not that mad, but because it signifies the beginning of a new week and after the last one, I think a fresh start it needed. The weather has really turned and it's feeling decidedly chilly, not to mention very wet; to be fair, the rain is quite welcome as I don't have to remember to water my pansies and cyclamen; you see, every cloud has a silver lining. Oh and let's not forget that we woke up last week to discover that the world has gone just a teeny bit crazy (we all know what I'm alluding to here, so I don't need to say it).

On a personal level, we had quite a bog standard, boring week and come Friday I was rather looking forward to a fun weekend with the girls, lazing around in the warm, watching rubbish TV together and just relaxing a bit. Cue Friday afternoon phone call from the school. My first thought, what has Miss. D done, my second thought, that was stupid she never does anything wrong at school! Anyway, it turns out to be the lovely First Aider letting me know that Miss. D had been in to see her following an accident in her PE lesson; I knew I was right to dislike PE. English, French and the like are much safer subjects! Anyway, she explained as best she could what had happened and what treatment she had given. Bless her, she had offered to call me to collect her, but Miss. D was having none of it and trotted, or rather hobbled off home.

Miss. L had her best friend back on the same day, so I collected them and we headed home to find the casualty. Miss. D was not a happy bunny when we got back, so I made her a hot chocolate and set about finding out what had actually happened. It would appear that they had been set the task to travel from one side of the gym to the other without touching the floor, using only a bench and a mat (or something like that). The girls had moved the mat and were jumping off the bench one by one on to said mat. Unfortunately, every time one of them jumped the mat moved a little. Miss. D does her jump, the mat moves and she falls and goes over on her ankle. The next person jumps and lands on the already injured ankle. Ouch (it hurts just thinking about it). Needless to say she was in a lot of pain.

We managed to get through Saturday, but poor Miss. D was in pain and the ankle was definitely a little swollen. By Sunday morning I couldn't watch the poor girl hobble about any longer, so off we went for the first visit of the academic year to our Minor Injuries Unit. I say our first visit because we make at least one a year, usually with Miss. D. She isn't as clumsy as Miss. L and I, but she tends to have more serious injuries (usually of the soft tissue damage, nature). Anyway, we went down early, it can get busy, but for once we were first in the queue and got seen very quickly. Hooray!

We saw a fabulous nurse, who examined the foot and ankle, explained what the problem was and what Miss. D needed to do (and yes it was soft tissue damage again, it's a ligament this time, so a little more interesting, but still comes under soft tissue).

Anyway, what she should be doing is taking pain killers every four hours to control the pain, elevating her foot, above hip height and popping the frozen peas on at timed intervals. However, stubborn teen is not doing what she's told and won't even let me drive her to school or back (because it's obviously not cool to be dropped off by your mum). Oh well, I've done what I can, she'll just have to put up with it now. Hopefully she won't be adding any more injuries to the list, at least not for the next couple of week because the nurse also said no PE for two weeks...I think she can follow that instruction without too much nagging :-)

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