Friday 2 December 2016

Happy December Birthday

The Season of Goodwill is upon us and with that comes stupidly busy shopping centres and supermarkets, office parties, Secret Santa's and of course the obligatory school Nativity play.

However, for some of us, December is not just about Christmas and all the celebrations that go with it. Some of us, actually quite a lot of us, are also celebrating our birthdays. I know outrageous isn't it. There you are trying to get all your Christmas gifts for everyone when you suddenly remember that friend or relative who is horribly inconsiderate enough to have dared to be born in such a busy month. We apologise for adding to your December present stress...not really, we didn't actually get a choice.

Having a December birthday is a strange one, I for one can never remember which gift I received for which celebration, it all sort of blurs and blends into one. However, there are some things that can be annoying for those of us born during the 'Season of Goodwill' and they are things that really are unique to us. So to avoid upsetting your December born friend, here are a few handy tips of things to avoid.

  • Please don't give us a joint Birthday/ Christmas present (unless it is a massive present. Joint presents are acceptable if you are giving us a luxury holiday, car or similar, only).
  • Do not wrap our Birthday present in Christmas wrapping paper (it is very confusing as you don't know if you should be opening it or not).

  • Christmas cards with PS Happy Birthday are not acceptable.
  • Christmas cards with Happy Christmas crossed out and Happy Birthday written in are also not acceptable.
  • Don't give us our Birthday and Christmas presents at the same time. We know our birthdays are close to the big day, but we'd like to feel a little bit special too.
  • If you're taking us out for a birthday dinner, please book it in at least November, restaurant reservations are virtually impossible to book in December and a Big Mac is not a slap up birthday meal.

I have to say, I've been fairly lucky and avoided most of these, but I do know lots of other December borns who have experienced one of more of the above. We don't really mind having our birthday near Christmas, actually we quite like it, but if you could avoid the above, we'd really appreciate it.

Sparkles At Midnight

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